onsdag 25 september 2013

Möjlig "water drive" Atrush

The Kurdistan Region, including the study area, is presently considered an
important hydrocarbon province. The broad and box-shaped anticlines in the area are indeed structures for accommodating hydrocarbons. The sealing capacity of associated
thrusts must be considered carefully in these folds. Some associated faults in the adjacent
anticlines to the study area (e. g. in Atrush Field; west to the Akre Anticline) exhibit
trapping efficiency within the Jurassic and Triassic systems (Shamaran petroleum corp,
2012). Thus, the same efficiency is expected from most thrusts in the area. However, the
lithology of the sedimentary units in both hanging wall and footwall has a role in the
trapping efficiency of the thrusts. For instance, the Jurassic and Triassic units in the
footwall block of the thrust in the southern limb of the Perat Anticline are facing the
Triassic units (probably the Kurra China and Baluti Shale Formation) in the hanging wall
(Figure 4-5).

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